Hierarchical Type
The body text is for the content.
Tertiary Heading
Secondary Heading
Primary Heading
Create smart & effective descriptions
We crush with smaller descriptions too.
Hierarchical Type
The body text is for the content.
Tertiary Heading
Secondary Heading
Primary Heading
Create smart & effective descriptions
We crush with larger descriptions too.
Page Title
You can add an introductory larger size text to your articles by simply wrapping a paragraph in a p tag with the CSS class of “desc”. Put simply, larger text will usually be read before smaller text. Add “large” class to make it even bigger.
We paid a lot of attention to getting our typography right! The purpose of this page is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible elements are included. For example, we looked at headings. Lovely headings.
Heading Two Formatting
Dropcap can be added by wrapping the first letter of the first word in a span tag with the CSS class of “dropcap”. Instead of using the body text font, we use the display font from our titles. This also ties the two elements together if the display font works well with the body text.openers. You can also use a purely decorative font. There are thousands of decorative typefaces, and most of them aren’t appropriate for use in a book’s body text.
Blockquotes are a great way to display and format quotations. Insert beautiful quotes using the “quote” button from the visual editor. To add an author just wrap its name in a cite tag.
Are you still making bulleted and numbered lists by manually typing bullets or numbers at the beginning of each line? In the 21st century, this is a task no one should be doing it by hand.
- We took a good long look
- At
- Unordered
- Lists.
- Also, we took a good look
- At
- Lists
- Of the ordered variety.
Heading Three
This tag styles large blocks of code.
pre { margin: 0 0 5px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; }
Tables are useful for layouts where text needs to be positioned side-by-side or floating at specific locations on the page. If making these is frustrating with the usual layout tools, try using a table.
Type | Font | Description |
Humanist | Sabon | Closely connected to calligraphy |
Transitional | Baskerville | More abstract and less organic |
Modern | Bodoni | Note the thin, straight serifs |
Slab Serif | Clarendon | Egyptian typefaces have heavy serifs |
To highlight a text, you simply need to wrap it into a <span>
with the class “highlight”. This can be done in the Text editor view.
Two Column Layout
To split the text in a two columns layout you simply need to wrap it into a div container with class “twocolumn”. Having multiple columns allows for a very versatile ad grid, and, traditionally, newspapers were in the business of selling ads. There is a general rule that one line of unjustified text should have around 9-12 words. For justified text, these numbers are around 10-15 words. Since some words are longer and some shorter this is not a perfect measurement. Small columns of text are easier to read than large ones. Imagine a newspaper-sized line that stretched across an entire page. It would be very easy to skip a line. For justified text, these numbers are around 10-15 words. Since some words are longer and some shorter this is not a perfect measurement. You must ask yourself how to easily achieve these numbers? Don’t worry it is easy, you won’t have to count the characters one by one.