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Salted Caramel & Apricot Pots De Creme

Total Time5 mins
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Servings: 2 people


  • 1 quart of cream
  • 1/2 pound of sugar
  • 4 ounces of sweet almonds
  • 1 tablespoonful of caramel
  • 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoonfuls of cherry
  • 3 half inch slices of Boston Brown Bread


  • Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Put half the cream and all the sugar over the fire and stir until the sugar is dissolved; take from the fire, and, when perfectly cold, add the remaining half of the cream. Freeze the mixture, and add the bananas mashed or pressed through a colander. Put on the lid, adjust the crank, and turn until the mixture is frozen rather hard.
  • Grate and sift the biscuits. Scald half the cream and the sugar; when cold, add the remaining cream and the vanilla, and freeze. When frozen, remove the dasher, stir in the powdered biscuits, and repack to ripen. 
  • As soon as the custard begins to thicken the saucepan must be taken from the fire and the stirring continued for a second or two longer. If the cooking is done in a double boiler the risk of boiling is very much lessened. 
  • Blanch and pound or grate the nuts. Put half the cream and all the sugar in a double boiler; stir until the sugar is dissolved and stand aside to cool; when cold, add the nuts, the flavoring and the remaining cream, mix, add the coloring, and turn into the freezer to freeze. If green coloring matter is not at hand, a little spinach or parsley may be chopped and rubbed with a small quantity of alcohol. 
  • Before you send it to table, split the vanilla bean, scrape out the seeds and add them to the hot cream, and add the bean broken into pieces. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, and strain through a colander. When this is cold, add the remaining cream and freeze. This should be repacked and given two hours to ripen. Four would be better.
  • Allow it to bake for 45–50 minutes. Make an infusion of coffee by pouring half a pint of boiling milk on a heaping tablespoonful of powdered coffee. Put it aside to settle, and when cold strain off the milk and use with the eggs as in previous recipe.